Join the movement


Join, support and create a better future for the next generation. Keep on reading to find out how this will work.


Y – talent education is a 4 year course that offers people of all ages and backgrounds equal opportunities and guidance to discover and further develop their talents through Y -education within a self-sufficient and environmentally friendly academy.

  • The program enables young talents to set clear goals in life and remain committed to them. By committing to their goals, they become successful with their talent or field.
  • This program empowers professionals and provides the professionals with an opportunity to inspire the next generation of young leaders.
  • Mentorship: One of the most important steps is giving back to the youth. Allowing the successful talents to return to inspire and motivate the next mission will boost the success of the training.
  • We teach students how to; be entrepreneurs, lifelong learners, be passionate, take calculated risks, be able to solve problems and think critically, look at things differently, work independently and with others, develop their creativity, give back to the community, must persevere, have integrity and self-respect, have moral courage, be well aware of the world around them, have good speaking, writing, reading, and math skills and how to enjoy their life and work.


The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. We believe that the success of this academy depends on our working together. This section is possible for people who have a heart for this project and who want to contribute as volunteers within the academy. We are looking for people who want to lend a hand and give us their time and energy to build a better future.


If you are interested in starting a company, brand or just expanding your business this option is for you. We are Looking for small businesses or micro entrepreneurs who want to join the academy as partners. The businesses range from opening cafetaria, a bike rental, selling honey, opening a veggie shop and so much more. If you have the passion, the will then we can accommodate you and guide and develop your business. We want to give young entrepreneurs the change to develop their ideas and passion and eventually give back to the community by investing in the next entrepreneur.



Y-Academy had produced students/disciples who have grown in discipline, knowledge, wisdom, communication, safety, integrity, teamwork, leadership and entrepreneurship.


Building and running a school is not an easy task. We have to buy material, safety gears, tool, computers, pay salaries and much more. Our goal is to be self-sustainable, but to reach our goal we can use a lot of help of our donators who firmly believe in this concept and way of thinking.

Because we are prone to a resource based economy we don’t expect donations to be only in the form of money. If people have old clothes, shoes, electronics, tools which they can mis or simply don’t use we would like to use them. But also wood, or old closets, textiel. We believe in up cycling and making thrash have meaning again.


Building and running a school is not an easy task. We have to buy material, safety gears, tool, computers, pay salaries and much more. Our goal is to be self-sustainable, but to reach our goal we can use a lot of help of our donators who firmly believe in this concept and way of thinking.

Because we are prone to a resource based economy we don’t expect donations to be only in the form of money. If people have old clothes, shoes, electronics, tools which they can mis or simply don’t use we would like to use them. But also wood, or old closets, textiel. We believe in up cycling and making thrash have meaning again.


At Y – academie we have a shop where we recycle and up-cycle old materials into new functional art. We make chairs, tables, artwork, schoolbord, and so much more.

Beside up-cycling we also have a vegetable and fruit market where we sell and deliver fresh fruits and vegetables for a cheaper price.

The shop is used as a mean of income for the academy. The money that is generated is used to pay the students salaries, buying tools and materials to maintain the project.


Y-academy is a center of education in the broadest sense. It serves as a place where people not only come together and live in harmony, but it also serves as a place where we learn from each other and work together for a better future through constructive discussions and brainstorming sessions.

By organizing various events such as corporate events, business evenings, debate evenings, Bible studies and much more, we want to bring people together and learn from each other and create synergy